Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What's Army Life

They asked me for my views
on what's Army Life ?!
well here's from the perspective
of an Army brat n Army wife.

Oh Yes, I've seen it all
from the day I was born,
amidst all the gallantry and chaos
when the country was battle torn.

My first glimpse of Army were of
glittering medals on dad's chest,
Mom's card table, chiffons and perfumes
glamor at its very best.

Lush green were the cantonments
Just as green was dad's uniform,
Lush green was the grass on which
they played golf every Sunday morn.

But best were the times
with dads away on long exercise,
moms busy with her kitty party
And we kids left to our own device.

Many a hours did spend we
just hanging in clean green glades,
and on cantonment road culverts
laughing and musing on our silly escapades.

Shifting was a way life
forcing to leave all things dear,
but the novelty of the transfer
was enough to wipe away the tear.

Oh how I waited to grow up
and have the time of my life,
when I finally would manage
to be, like my mom, an Army wife !

Many a prospective match
were considered and proposed,
And finally of course
An Army officer won unopposed.

Was I lucky ! Boy !!
I'd take to it like fish to water,
and so we happily shifted
into our Army Quarter.

But, It's not as rosy as I thought
Hey ! Where's the glamor,
I can see chinks......!
in the Army's shining armor.

Lady as for the talents, you better have em all
from house keeping to socializing,
and even specialize in....
buttering and artfully criticizing.

And if you take up a job
better not prioritize it, they say,
cause after all, "you are not
giving us, your pay" !!

Lonely nights, when he's out
on exercise are many,
and getting posted out just when
you get settled, aint funny.

I could go on and on
about things that are wrong,
But am here by choice
so I'll change the tune of my song.

Army life oh it kills !!
but am addicted to its thrills
cause it blends a unique concoction,
that ultimately guarantees satisfaction.

So no sitting around and feeling sad
cause life in the Army aint all that bad,
Life away from its protection
is quite beyond my conception.

So what if 'am asked to fix
a dinner for ten in a jiffy,
or drag my aching feet
to this all formal party.

I get to hold my head high
and gracefully acknowledge,
the chivalry that our Men in brass
bestow on us as privilege.

So onwards we march
He with his armory of weapons
me with my armory of refined discretion
together in perfect synchronization !
